Wednesday, May 19, 2010


People all over the world are jealous because they want stuff that other people have and they get mad. People that dont have everything are usually the ones that are jealous. Poor people get jealous because they dont have stuff they want. Most rich people arent jealous because they have all the stuff or they can get anything they want.There are diffrent types of jealousy there is when someone has something that you want.There is also when you are jealous of someones girl friend.There is also friend jealousy losing a friend to an interloper.There also is work jealousy when someone gets a rasie and you dont.

Friend Jealousy is when your friend got a new car and you like it and you want a new car but you cant get one.This kind of jealousy sometimes make bestfriends stopp being friends because there jealous of there what there friend got.Kids all around get jealouse of what there friends got.Also when one of your friends has a hot girlfriend and your jealouse of him cause your sexyier then him and you cant figure out why shes going out with him.Thats when they usually stop hanging out with you because they hang out with there girlfriend instead of you.

When one of your friends get jealous they usually try harder to be a better friend.Because they dont want to lose you but since you been getting everything they get better friends and you forget about him.And that usually leads to him leaving you or you get sick of him cause hes not cool enought to hangout with. Another jealousy is at work when you have been working your but off and the new guy gets a raise and you been there longer.You get mad and become jealousy and mad at the same time.Jealousy is all around the world some people just dont tell you there jealouse.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

F.Scott Fitzgerald

The 1920s also know as the jazz age times were also wild and Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald was its king. Although he lived a very luxurious lifestyles of anyone during the decade he was know for his prominent works of literature. His literature is still popular to this day and has been in the American classics of literature.Fitzgerald was born on September 29, 1896in St Paul.He was given his name to honor his ancestor who wrote the National Anthem. In school Fitzgerald wrote for the newspaper.

In school he met Father Sigourney Fay who encouraged him to continue his passion for writing. After he entered Princeton University, where he mastered on his writing abilities by writing for the school media.But he forgot about his studies and was put on academic probation. In 1917, Fitzgerald joined the army to fight in the World War that was going on. He was assigned to Camp Sheridan in Alabama. There he meet Zelda Sayre and fell in love with her and ask her to marry him.But she turned him down cause he wasn't successful enough.

Fitzgerald then went back to St. Paul to begin work on his novel: This Side of Paradise. His novel got published in 1920 and it was a success. He had gained the kind of success and the money that he had always wanted for so long. Not long after that him and Zelda Sayre got married. Luxurious parties were common in the Fitzgerald s' home especially among his wife Zelda, which triggered many domestic rows. He was tired of it and moved to France in 1924 to work on the Novel The Great When the novel was being published in 1925 i was a disaster but theater and movie deals brought in more income. Fitzgerald had secured a place in literary history as one of the most prominent writers ever.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


Prohibition in the 1920s was a period in which the government banned the production and manufacturing and use of alcohol.The Eighteenth Amendment said that to nationalized ban on liquor from 1919 to 1933. The Amendment was approved by 36 states was signed on January 16, 1919. The Woman's Christian Temperance Union said that it would help women and children at home because alcohol is why there is beatings at home. Christian women believed that if they got ride of alcohol at the home there husbands would be nicer.That would actually makes us more angrier.

The roaring twenties was a total disregard of law and order.With gangster running the streets it was time for speakeasies. In the 1920 not only gangsters and mobsters broke the laws the common American had total disregard of the laws. Since the beginning of the nineteenth century, people wanted to have a law for prohibition. After many decades an organization took there time and looked at crime rates because alcohol. Prohibition was suppose to get ride of the crime rate but instead it brought gangster and gangs to the streets that did more killing then the alcohol.

The dream of bringing down the alcoholism and crime rate by the temperance movement failed to materialized. People became weary about the prohibition laws and they started joining groups that were Anti-Prohibition movement. Prohibition made crime rates and murder worse because people wear killing for it. When the stock market crashed in 1929 the only way the government could get jobs going again and money into the government was to unbanned alcohol.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Being a flapper in the 1920s wasn't about fashioned it was about rebbellion. Flappers didn't like how life was so they started to dance to jazz music and smoke. They also wore makeup and short dresses. There look became fashionable because of the lifestyle they lived in the 1920s. There short hair, that was pure rebellion against the older generation’s long hair. Flappers also danced in bars and on the streets drank and just did everything different then there parents did.Flappers also went to speakeasy. They also started to hangout with the gangsters.

How flappers became is because women were starting to be able to vote and now how jobs like other men and they weren't stuck at home cleaning all day so when they went out they wonted to have fun and dance and drink and smoke. Flappers were bold confident and very sexy. Women tried diets all around to lose weight because flappers clothes were very small. The older generation was very mad at there girls and people that did this.

One of a famous flapper was Clara Bow. She was sometimes called the "IT Girl".Many women liked Bow's look by drawing a bow shape on their lips, also putting black around there their eyes, and curling their hair onto their cheeks. Many people looked up to Clara Bow and thought of her as there idol. Despite the Flapper style many people felt threaten by it.Many states began to charge girls for wearing there skirts to high. Also many women got fired it they put there hair up. When the stock market crashed the flapper era was over girls started to wear there dresses lower and pretty much everything was back to normal.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Al Capone


In the 1920s gangsters always wore expensive suits and always had flashy names.One gangster in the 1920s that is my favorite is Al Capone. He was born in 1899 in Brooklyn to two Italian immigrants. He lived a very bad life he was a thug when he was born. He beat his sixth grade teacher and them left school. In 1918 young Capone killed a man over an argument instead of facing the charges he called Johny Torrio. Johny Torrio led a street gang in Chicago. He worked in a bar as a bartender. Torrio had Capone kill Big Jim" Colosim in May 11, 1920. HE was ahead of the crime ring at that time.

Once Capone killed Big Jim. Torrio became the crime boss but after a assassination attempt he step down from power and Al Capone now became crime boss. When his mob with at its highest Capone had city aldermen, mayors, legislators, governors, congressmen, and over half the Chicago police force on his payroll. In 1929 he made his name clear to everyone when he ordered a hit on Bugs Moran which was another Chicago boss.

This day was know as the St. Valentine's Day Massacre Capone men killed seven people but Bugs wasn't apart of them. But people started to look different about crime rings now. The IRS was now trying to gather information on him. Eddie O'Hare was a hired agent but he was working for Capone he ran his horses and dog races. O'Hare found info on his taxes and the IRS took him down like that. He served 7 years and when he got out he was in horrible shape and was sent to a hospital and then he died January 25, 1947. But before he died he killed O'Hare.